Intersessions 1 & 2 Sessions

During the clerkship year, students gather for classroom and hands-on sessions during Intersessions.

These sessions are meant to bring students back to global health during clerkships and tie the clinical concepts they are learning back to global health. Intersessions 1 takes place for one week in the fall and Intersessions 2 is scheduled for two weeks in the spring. During both Intersessions, global health has a 90-minute session for our global health distinction track students (GHDT). 

During session 1, our GHDT students and medical students from Myanmar meet together over zoom. They have discussed many different topics, including COVID-19, the differences in the medical education and healthcare systems, and the military coup in Myanmar (and how it is affecting physicians and medical students). This session is very impactful for our students because they are able to see how challenging it is for the medical students in a different country.

Session 2 is clinical and case-based. GHDT students discuss cases that tie their clinical experiences during clerkships back to global health. They are on a variety of topics including maternal-child health, pediatrics and infectious diseases.